Monday, March 23, 2009

Research Sources

For my research paper I am researching Robert Rodriguez and how the film he made changed Hollywood Cinema.

My first and main source is a book Robert Rodriguez wrote about his experiences making his ground breaking film. It is called Rebel Without a Crew. Although it's not a new source I am constantly finding new things in it to put in my research. It is pretty much like actually talking to Robert Rodriguez. It is so filled with information I feel I could almost write my whole research paper using just this source.

My second new source is an article titled The Offbeat Moviemaker. I'm really glad I found this article because it talks about how because of Robert Rodriguez films, Latin American actors are gaining more recognition in Hollywood. It talks how Robert Rodriguez not only changes Hollywood by making unique films, he is also changes it racially.


  1. These sources seem like a good start, but they cover so much of Rodriguez's life and work that I am worried your paper will have to broad a focus. You might want to go looking for some sources that look specifically at one or two of his movies. I'm pretty sure there has been a good amount written about the way he plays with genre in _Grindhouse_. There is also writing on his "trilogy" films (_El Mariachi_, _Desperado_, _Once upon a Time in Mexico_) and the way he depicts Latino/a culture in his films. It might be interesting to put these sources in dialogue with your current sources.

  2. After reading you paper, I can say that you have a good deal of information about Rodriguez's life and the styles he uses. Although, it would be nice to hear about the strides you have made since I last reviewed your paper; your most current blog post is a bit dated.

    Keep up at that paper, sometimes they can be a pain in the posterior to tackle, but you will manage to get there.

    Good luck!
    ~Brandon D.

  3. Like Brandon also said, this blog is a bit outdated. I'm interested in seeing how much further you will take your research with this next draft. Maybe you can find some academic papers about his work and not so much his life? I'm just concerned that all the information that you have so far is stuff you can't really analyze in your paper.
